Supper and the Single Girl

Vegan Meals and Random Thoughts

Monday, June 04, 2007

Mmm, tempeh

One of my favorite foods to cook with is tempeh. It's got a nice nutty texture and is quite versatile. Whenever I make chili, I crumble a cake of tempeh in the pot for a "meaty" texture. Tonight I made Maple Walnut Tempeh (in Enemy of the Steak, it's Maple Pecan, but I prefer pecans), some balsamic rosemary yams from Garden of Vegan, and heated up some frozen green beans. I was a good girl; while my yams were cooking, I had a salad. I unfortunately ran out of the mustard used to coat the pieces of tempeh before I saute it--hmmph. I'll have to grab more at the store next time.
Now, those of you reading this probably know this, but in case you don't, always buy real maple syrup. Do NOT get the pancake Aunt Jemima/Mrs. Butterworths/whatever stuff--it's corn syrup with a little maple flavor. No, spend the extra money, get the real stuff, preferably organic. It's got better flavor, and if you want corn syrup, buy corn syrup, not the maple-flavored stuff.
I probably won't be cooking much in the next week--I cook in spurts anyway--but I have family visiting and will be spending time with them.
Happy eating!

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  • At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    any chance of you posting the tempeh recipe? I'd love to snag it!

  • At 1:47 AM, Blogger Emmie said…

    I wish we had tempeh in this backwards country I live in. I want to try it! Sweden isn't the best country in the world when it comes to vegetarian food.

  • At 1:52 AM, Blogger KleoPatra said…

    Looks GREAT!! Have a great time with your family!!! And yer absolutely right... the real thing MAPLE SYRUP is the only way to go!!

  • At 1:07 PM, Blogger jess (of Get Sconed!) said…

    That looks like my type of meal! Mm maple and walnuts and tempeh..

  • At 6:35 PM, Blogger Caty said…

    Looks great! And I agree about the maple syrup, nothing can beat the real thing.

  • At 9:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    New blog! New blog!


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